Why You Need to Integrate your POS System and Accounting Software

Woman smiling at camera with POS system in background

The Importance of Integrating Your POS System & Accounting Software Think of the multitude of processes your restaurant performs on a daily or weekly basis – Payroll. Payment processing. Vendor Payments. General accounting – and those are merely the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Now, think about how seamless all these tasks would be with […]

What to Consider When Setting Up Payroll For a Restaurant

Restaurant staff smiling for camera

What is payroll for a restaurant? You may be asking, how does payroll work? That is, what should payroll look like for a restaurant? We’ll start with the basics. What is payroll? Payroll is the business process of regularly paying out all your wage, payroll tax, and benefit liabilities to employees. We’ll spell those out: […]

How Do Small Business Restaurants Make a Profit?

Restaurant manager using a laptop and making notes on a clipboard at a bar

What is restaurant profit margin? One of the most critical metrics to understand and track as a restaurant operator is your restaurant profit margin. Simply put, to remain in business, you need to understand your margins and everything that goes into them. This seemingly simple metric contains a fair bit of complexity under the hood. […]

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Payroll Compliance & How To Make It Painless!

Chefs working in restaurant kitchen

Payroll is one of the most critical aspects of any business. Properly paying your team creates trust, employment longevity, and helps operators avoid costly payroll compliance issues. This post reviews the current industry landscape regarding labor and payroll compliance. Continue reading to learn why it’s crucial that operators work with integrated point solutions to ensure […]

Use These 5 Tools to Increase Restaurant Revenue in 2022 and Beyond

Busy restaurant kitchen during serivce

Restaurant revenue, or sales, describes the total amount of money your operation generates during any given period of time. Most restaurants have multiple revenue centers, including food, beverage, merchandise, gift cards, third-party delivery, online ordering, and more. Consequently, revenue can fluctuate tremendously dependent upon various extraneous factors such as seasonality, weather, holidays, etc. Because of this, […]

Top Ways Banking & Payroll Have Changed In Today’s Digital World

Overhead of woman on phone preforming restaurant accounting

Digital payroll for restaurants is critical in attracting and retaining top talent. In the on-demand world we live in, getting money in employees’ hands as quickly as possible is crucial for standing out amongst the competition. It’s also now possible through a new form of banking. Continue reading to learn about the various ways in […]